Thursday, April 12, 2018

David Sotolongo to narrate Southern Cross audiobook

It is a distinct honor that my books have been narrated by talented people like Brenna Hobbs and Leni Rico, and they still continue to work on the Vickie series.  I am glad to announce a new member to this family; David Sotolongo who is an actor and voice talent taking on the narration for my book Southern Cross.  Welcome aboard David! 

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Southern Cross out soon in ebook and paperback Spanish

I am happy to announce that Southern Cross in Spanish will be available soon in ebook and paperback. Thanks to the wonderful work of María Gabriela Guzmán Miguel for her translations and editing skills, this book is in the language that the story is based on.

Friday, April 6, 2018

The Lazarus Game pitch development TV Show

It gives me a numb feeling to see a project in development based on my Vickie books.  How did it ever get here?  My books and synopsis being read by big-name actresses considering to play the book character Vickie, and studios inquiring about my books.  I know it is a long shot.  I am just thankful for producer Barney Cohen for his interest in pitching this, and actress Leni Rico for narrating my audiobooks that got it noticed.  Also thanks to Nicole Andani for cheer-leading and always believing in these books.  Not least my wife for investing her time and standing behind my books.  Also, my daughter that motivates me because she just published her third book. Sounds like an acceptance speech at an awards ceremony.  Well, it might be the only one I get to do.  But if it is, that is okay.  I am grateful to everyone that believes in my books and the readers that took the time to read them.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Violet will deal with Vickie!

Will Violet deal with Vickie or will Vickie deal with Violet? Violet is coming soon. Vickie, Valkyrie and Vic/Tim already out in paperback, hardcover, ebooks and audiobooks. Also in various languages.

@violet @vickiebooks @authormikesims

Monday, March 19, 2018

Where will the Vickie series go?

The showdown is coming between Vickie and Violet in the upcoming book Violet.  Violet is a powerful woman that comes from very old money and geo-political influence.  Her intelligence is only surpassed by her ruthlessness.  Vickie will interfere with her plans and will have to deal with Violet in all her power.  What will Vickie do?  If anyone can do it, Vickie can.

Currently the Vickie series of books are being read by some actresses to see if they are interested in playing Vickie.  Barney Cohen long time producer of Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Friday the 13th: Final Chapter, Gernika, Forever Knight and many others, is working on the screenplay for this book to be adapted for TV.  Actress Leni Rico has narrated the book Vickie into audiobook and now working on Vic/Tim.  Other people are involved to in helping bring about this project to TV.  I have even been queried by movie industry people about these books. 

It is most authors dream that their books make to the screen big or small.  While the odds are heavy against it happening and so much competition, we all struggle to make it happen.  So what does my Vickie books offer that could attract a network to make a series out of them?  I maybe be biased of course but I feel the story is timely, the characters are powerful, and these books generate strong emotions in people.  If I am wrong why are actresses and producers spending time on it?  I don't mean to sound arrogant as I am truly humbled it has got this far and astonished really.  I just hope the right person sees what I and others see in them and willing to make that jump to take it all the way home.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Where will it take me?

I never dreamed when I first wrote Vic/Tim as a short story that it would lead to a book, then a series, then an audiobook narrated by an actress, then a screenplay by a famous producer, and then being pitched as a TV series. Where will it end up finally? For someone like me, things like this do not happen to. I have no idea what the end result of Vickie's story will be but it is an amazing journey so far.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Actress Leni Rico narrates the book Vic/Tim

Look who is starting to narrate Vic/Tim in Spanish, actress Leni Rico. I am so excited to work with Leni again on the next book in the Vickie series. Such a talent putting voice to my book, it is a huge honor.

See Leni's credits on IMDB: